General Objectives

The Society aims to achieve both a social and an educational objective with this project. Social objective: the primary objective of the project is to bring quality health care within the reach of common man in the district of BURDWAN and to reduce the gap between the demand and supply of health care in the region.

Educational objective:

by setting up educational institutions the Society wants to train the future health care personnel and increase the number of doctors in the society and bring down the existing patient-doctor ratio in the region and reduce the burden on the over-burdened medical fraternity of today.


GIMSH aspires to be the leading university of choice for specialized and professional education, providing holistic academic standards which are relevant to the needs of the industry and meeting the global expectations whilst maintaining the highest ethical standards.


GIMSH will strive:

  1. To mould graduates of high moral values and distinction; committed to lifelong learning, leadership, integrity and professionalism, in response to the national and global needs.
  2. To advance the boundaries of scholarship; by providing affordable educational opportunities, training and services, beyond the measure of expectations.
  3. To produce graduates who are highly employable; by maintaining impeccable standards and quality in the curriculum, which is worthy of continued recognition, accreditation, certification and industry-relevant.
  4. To uphold a culture of academic excellence; reflective of the highest standards of innovative teaching-learning approaches and strategies.
  5. To be fully committed towards ensuring a high rate of student success; by providing an intellectually stimulating learning environment, that is conducive to support, nurture and advance teaching, learning and research at the University.